Hi I’m Ronee

I love Pattern and Color.

And I love to surround myself with both. I am a painter and surface pattern designer. I share my work here so that you can do that in your space too!

I collect old photos, and one time many moons ago I wrote a book about making art with them. I also find inspiration in dreams, memories, and stories, as well as the the plants and animals living nearby.

I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at ronee@roneekparsons.com, or contact me here.

Thanks so much for stopping by to check out my work!

Artist's desk with a painting in progress, and antique photos nearby for reference
Artist desk with watercolor palette, and a small painting in progress.
Artist's desk with carved block stamp, open ink pad, and test stamps in a sketchbook.

Want to Look Behind the CUrtains?

Once a month (sometimes less) I share notes from my studio. You’ll get to see my process and the inspirations for my art and patterns alongside plenty of inspiration for your decorating your eclectic bohemian home.

Sign up at the right to get access!